Tuesday, 1 March 2011

St David

March 1st has come round again and each year the clamour for a public holiday in Wales to mark St David's Day grows in strength. This year was a little bit different for me than usual as I was a guest with my friend Deborah Fisher on the Roy Noble show on BBC Radio Wales. We were there to talk about our links with the Kansai St David's Society in Japan. Deborah was their guest speaker last year and I will be travelling out next week to Japan to give two talks about my photography work to their members in Osaka and in Tokyo. It is a fantastic opportunity to be able to do this and I am very fortunate in that I will be staying with some of the members who have kindly invited me to their houses. While I am there I am hoping to be able to talk to any potential students from Japan who wish to come and study in Wales and in particular at Swansea Metropolitan University. I am also hoping to meet up with Japanese artists and hopefully forge some links between them and Elysium gallery in Swansea which may result in future exhibitions in Wales for anyone who wishes to come over.